2U, Inc.

Industry-leader in >$36B global online higher education market1

Leveraging 2U’s proprietary digital marketing expertise to match a massive learner base with higher education offerings through scalable and highly-ranked2 edX platform

Expanding our market presence with new offerings

Platform strategy fundamentally improves efficiency while enhancing value proposition to learners and partners

Clear path to increasing adjusted EBITDA, improving margins and generating sustainable cash flows

1. Source: HolonIQ SmartEstimates - April, 2020. Projects the global online higher education market to grow from $36B to $74B (14% CAGR) from 2019 - 2025. https://www.holoniq.com/notes/74b-online-degree-market-in-2025-up-from-36b-in-2019
2. Online Course Rater ranked edX as the best online learning platform https://onlinecourserater.com/best-5-online-learning-platforms-explained-and-ranked/